The First 1,100 Days
In the first 1,100 days of life, the human brain is being built through experiences. Never again will the brain absorb, transfer, or retain information as efficiently.
What sets IWSE apart?
Small Class Sizes and Low Ratios: 3 teachers to 8 children
Extraordinary Attention to Social and Emotional Needs
Environments rich with learning materials and language
Developmental Screenings and Follow-Up
Care for Children with Special Needs. We accept all children, provided we can offer the best environment.
Minimal Transitions
Strong Partnerships with Parents
A Highly Educated and Diverse Staff and Diverse Families
Accredited by NAEYC and the Gold Circle of Quality Award from ExceleRate Illinois
Why 1,100 days?
In the first three years of life, the human brain is being built through experiences — both positive and negative. Pathways (synapses) are being created at a rapid pace, over 1 million per second. Never again will the brain absorb, transfer, or retain information as efficiently. In this period, a process called pruning occurs. Pruning leaves those neural connections that are active and being engaged and discards those connections not being used. This period is the most critical in building brain architecture.
IWSE’s Impact
The quality of IWSE programs is unrivaled in our community. Our budget of almost $3 million is 62% from government grants and 12% from service fees but to maintain this margin of excellence we must raise 30% of our budget from philanthropy.
90% of the funds donated to IWSE are devoted to program expenses.
The donors listed below have made annual gifts of $1,100 or more. These individuals and family foundations have allowed us to list their names here and in our annual report in hopes that their gifts may be an incentive to others.
The Allyn Foundation
Beth Bodan
Laura and Kent Born
Clay Brock and Amy Pope Brock
Emily Corbett and Allan Allweiss
Joanne Edid and Donald Hey
Teresa Drews and Ed Getz
Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Foundation
Tyrie and Daryl Gardner
The Hanson Family Foundation
Richard Hemwall
Helen Hilken
Amy and Pete Kadens
Suzanne and Dan Kanter
Kathy Kaporis — Evanston Capital Management LLC
Louise Keely
Shelley and Edward Keller
Michael Klearman and Saralyn Sacks
Koya (for Anne McCarthy)
The Mammel Foundation
James K. Marousis — George Eisenberg Foundation
Carolyn and Peter Mattox
Anne McCarthy
Sarah McCarthy and Dermot Collins
Sally McFall and Jim Jackson
Ann and John Mommsen
Eleanor and William Revelle
Marsha Richman and Richard Lanyon
Selma Richman
Helene Rosenblum and Brad Pechter
Mary Beth Roth
Margaret Salamon, M.D. and David Snyder
Lynne and George Simon
Craig and Kelly Smith
Ingrid and Bill Stafford
Drs. Rhonda Stein and Ed Smolevitz
Eli Strick and Rachel Zimet Strick
Elizabeth Tisdahl
Julie Trester
Nicole Van Laan
Molly and Keith Veneziano
Lois Vick
Michael Walker and Ann Murdoch
Ward Manufacturing
Christopher Ward and Lisa Fontoura
Stephen Vick, Executive Director, will make a special presentation to the members listed above that will provide insights to IWSE’s vision for the future in fulfillment of our mission.
You can become a member today by donating online from this website or adding to a gift you have already made. Please email Stephen Vick or call her at 847.491.9650 x14 with any questions.